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How to optimize Google My Business with its new features?
Digital marketing company in delhi

The dependency of people in search engines is growing at an exceptional speed. Today, people even go to Google to get information about local stores. Most of the time they are looking for images, route, reviews, etc. In fact, more than 65% of people search nearby businesses before even setting foot. Hence, for business owners, they must build a great online presence. If we dive into more specific, then businesses must consider improving GMB or Google My Business. Because, in the end, this tool is pulling out every string. So, let’s find out some essential GMB features and how to optimize them.


Google Descriptions: Once you have successfully created your GMB account, the next job is putting a meaningful business description. The best way to do this is by adding your product/ service keywords into the description content. The impact is huge in the local SEO and customer will instantly recognize exactly what you do. However, do not just spam this place with irrelevant keywords. Place compelling, interesting and, above all else, useful content. With this step, you will help your cause greatly as you will rise in the rankings for plenty of useful keywords.


Google questions and answers: This is an exceptional feature where clients answer directly on your GMB page. These questions can be anything related to your business or store. When a prospect asks something on this page make sure you reply to them with relevant info as soon as possible. Do you want to know the best way to answer them? Well, according to much digital marketing company, the best way to answer a question is by replying to a different user like your family member, friend, etc.


Book an Appointment: Do you know a prospect can book an appointment directly from the GMB page? Yes, that’s true. Google offers its user to make an appointment without needing to visit your online or physical store. If you are interested to have this feature, you just need to go to the URLs section of the GMB page and place the URL in the appropriate fields. And that will do the magic!


With these three simple and straightforward tips, you can improve your Google My Business account. When doing so, you will find more clients and convert visitors into clients. However, to get the most out of it, do the optimization process from SEO service providers. Because many things require a careful and experienced hand. If you think a DIY is enough, you will lose more than gaining anything. So, get in touch with the best digital marketing company in Delhi to boost your GMB page today.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
Top 5 Security Issues in Mobile App Development

According to market research, more than 60% of overall malware threats to the network drive from mobile applications. Overall mobile application downloads crossed more than 200 billion, and this number alone making hackers use shady methods to target users. Thus, offering optimum security to the app user is now the primary concern of many Mobile app development companies. Ensuring top-notch mobile apps security for your business application is essential to maintain and grow your business reliability. Let’s look at the top 5 Security Issues in Mobile App Development.


Insecure Data Storage: If your app has user accounts, make sure the keys are not lying in the device itself. If the credential is stored in the device without encryption, you are making the hackers’ life easy. Always encrypt the data package and your app should never backup credentials as well.


Overlooking SSL: SSL is the most basic tool that can make real changes. However, still, we see many entrepreneurs overlook the SSL implementation. No matter what kind of application you own, SSL is a must. As a web application development company and Mobile app development company, we constantly push our clients to integrate this certificate for better security.


Data leakage: Modern-day data packets consist of a lot of information about the users. From their age, location, gender to their favourite food, everything is being collected. However, your customers giving away this data by trusting you. If they find out this intimate data is being leaked, they won’t use your app never. So, you must keep track of how this data being forwarded and if anyone is snooping it or not.


Untrusted inputs: A mobile application receives an enormous amount of data from multiple sources. Most of the time this data doesn’t have any encryption. This encourages hackers to get easy access to devices by making use of “cookies” and other vulnerabilities. A hacker can use this vulnerability to store keyloggers, later to be used to access the app.


Unsecure server: The server is the brain of the mobile application. And if someone gets access to this place, well, you are doomed. Every single user will be affected. Hence, put a good number of the resources to secure your server-side. And always choose an experienced Mobile app development company to do so.


Given the broad range of options available to attack a mobile application. It is always better to hire a professional and best Mobile application development company to do the development job. Their experience and expertise will help you to build a robust and functional app that reduces security risk and boost user engagement. So are you ready to secure your user? Want to know how much a mobile app will cost? If yes, we are here for you, contact us for any query.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
Trends in Web App Development for 2020

The world of web app developers is continuously evolving. And they must adapt to the shift of technologies so they don’t get drowned with the changes surrounding them. But just like any other domain, it is essential to keep up with the most promising significant changes and avoid others that aren’t ready for primetime. For this reason, we have compiled the top 5 web app development trends & technologies that will dominate 2020 and beyond.


PWA: If we talk about the future of web app development, we cannot overlook PWA. Yes, it’s been there for years, but the trend of accepting PWA is growing and will grow at a significant speed. Slow speed and low SERP rank haunted entrepreneurs for years. And with the advent of PWA, they are overcoming these situations rapidly. PWA truly has exceptional flexibility and power to overcome many challenges. And this is the reason the Future of Progressive web applications is bright and web app dev must take careful note of this.


AI: More than 75% of websites have active chatbot features. And they have made their way into the web application as well. And according to a professional Web application development company, the trend to integrate a chatbot into a web app is growing. Today, a chatbot has become more than a robot. With the help of AI and natural language processing, modern-day chatbots can interact with a user more intuitively. Moreover, AI boosts the user experience, makes product/ service recommendations more precise, and offers voice search optimization.


Programming Languages: There are hundreds of programming languages to choose from to build web applications. Of course, you don’t have to learn all of them! Instead, you can choose the most common language to develop web applications. Normally a professional Web application development company uses C & Java to build an application. However, since entrepreneurs are craving for ML and MI more and more. You can expect the standardization of Python very soon.


Web Components: This is a bit new technology and it has remarkable potential that can change the way Web application development company build a web app. Web components are flexible APIs that can be personalized and implemented in web apps and web pages. So, it significantly reduces the web application development process. And it reduces the overall web application development costs as well.


Modern-day Web App Development is quite long, complicated and diversified. Our list of predictions is by no means all-inclusive. As a Web development company, our goal was to provide a brief summary of future trends. In the end, we would say don’t be scared to explore new trends and you will definitely bring new users to your products and services.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
