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How to Increase Leads and Sales with Digital Marketing
Best Digital Marketing Services Company in Delhi

Do you know the average internet users get more than 12k ads every single month? Yes, that’s a huge number and this number alone shows us the stiff competition in the market to obtain new leads. A lead is a customer and your customers are the lifeline of your business and to have a prosperous business, you must utilize an efficient way to increase the lead generation process. Failing to do so implies an adverse consequence. So how will you fight this problem?

Well, we have something special for you today. Follow these top 5 digital marketing services hacks to ensure you generate an exceptional lead at rapid speed to increase your ROI.


Use your analytics tools: You have analytic tools with you, but are you using it effectively? As a marketer, you have a tremendous amount of customer data with you, but everyone is not interested to go through the sales funnel. The key here is to know the prospects who are genuinely interested in your product or services.

Use the analytic tools to gather valuable insight into the customers and personalize the marketing campaign according to their likings. Studies have proven that customers are more likely to interact with a campaign if it’s personalized according to their needs, they will show you other than a generic campaign.


Target where your audience is: There are many domains available where you can push your ads to obtain leads. However, we as a  digital marketing company want to advise that to run a campaign where your prospects generally spend more time. For example, people generally spend a lot more time on Facebook than twitter so if you are putting the same resource on both platforms it won’t give you a lot of results. Instead, concentrate your campaign where your targeted customers are spending most of their time to get a valuable result.


Make use of campaign tracking tool: You know your audience, you are running your campaign in the right place. However, do you know if it’s working or not? Running a digital marketing campaign doesn’t ensure a 100% success rate. There are many ongoing changes you must run to get the success. And to know if your campaign is working perfectly or not, you must integrate a tracking mechanism into your campaign. Go through the data this tool offers, find out any problem if you see one and fix them ASAP!


Engage People Directly: Tools will offer great insight, however, people still like to engage with the brand directly. Success on Facebook and other social media platforms, for example, is normally sparked by encouraging responses to your content and responding to prospects that do show an interest. This engagement method leads to conversations and possibly building a fruitful relationship. We, as a digital marketing company often makes use of this process for engaging with our prospects on a one-to-one basis and been remarkably successful with it.


Try different methods:
Digital marketing services come with many distinct types of advertising methods. Do not stick with only one, keep your mind open and try to explore most of them if not all. You never know which one will bring you success. So, try, test, observe and repeat!

There are many tips you can follow, but the above 5 are the most exceptional ones and if you follow up, you will reap benefits out of your digital marketing campaign for sure.

So are you ready to apply this digital marketing method or still sceptical about having digital marketing in the first place because you have a small business? If you are sceptical, then you must understand why digital marketing crucial for small businesses. If you want more information about digital marketing services, you can contact us. Who we are? We are one of the best digital marketing companies in Delhi, offering exceptional digital marketing service that generates qualified leads to boost your ROI.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
Top Ways To Re-engage Dead Leads With Email Marketing

According to Radicati, by 2020, total email users on this planet will be 3 billion! Email drives revenue. For each dollar you spend, you can expect an average return of $38. What we want to say is, email marketing has a notable advantage in the field of marketing. However, as a top bulk email marketing Service Company in Delhi, India, we know this is a challenging domain. Sometimes, your targeted audience might interact or engage with your brand, but they can lose enthusiasm. Yes, this is a particular situation, hated by many. However, with the right marketing and rearranging approach, you can improve the situation.


Before we give you the tips, it is better to find out why prospects are ignoring your emails in the first place. So let’s look at some destructive practices, followed by many, and if you are one of them, stop it right away!


  • Nobody loves to see the same old messages popping up every now and then. People need to read your communication to realize what they will get by making a deal with you. If you are constantly sending emails, you are basically spamming them. And they will block you right away.


  • Your audience most of the time spending time crawling through the web and they know how click baits worked pretty well. In fact, most probably they even read all the catchy lines by themselves! So, if you have been using clickbait lines to drive marketing success, as a top bulk email marketing service provider, we would like to say, you are on the wrong path and you are deliberately messing with your brands’ image.


  • Mobile users are taking over desktop use and most of the time your users generally open the email on their mobile phone. So while designing your email content, make sure it is well optimized so mobile users can read the content effortlessly. If the content is not optimized, your targeted audience will simply delete the email and every hope is lost!


Is there a way to these challenges?


Of course. There are a few steps you can take to bring back those abandoned leads. Find bellow the most effective ways.


  • The customer feels privileged when they receive special offerings from a brand or business. For instance, you can send some surveys where if they answer they will be able to redeem a coupon. Remember, rewards are always exciting news for me, you and your prospects.


  • Review and surveys are a great way to benchmark your business. Ask your customer to review your service or product and change things accordingly. If follow your prospect’s feedback they will feel valued and they will stick to your business.


  • If you have been sending emails without analyzing customer data, it is highly likely you are missing most of your target. Filtering your target audience is crucial to driving successful campaigns. Yes, segmentation is quite a difficult task. However, you can always take Uses of A.I and Machine Learning in Email Marketing to do the job efficiently.


  • Go through the past purchase record and examine why last time your customer did buy from you. Analyze everything and use the data to know your customer’s requirements and send a personalized email. Everyone loves personalized content and why your customers would be different? If you do not know how to get customer insight, you can consider help from best website designing and email marketing services company.

End note:


Use the method above and bring back those fallen leads. If you need professional help, the top digital marketing services company in Delhi is just one call away!

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
How Ecommerce SEO Can Drive Organic Traffic on your Site

Right at the moment, while you are reading this post, someone on the internet is probably looking for something to buy. 70% online customer does go through a search engine before they buy anything from a website. Wouldn’t that be lovely to get those persons as your customer? Yes, the quality of the service and products matters for business success. However, if your customers don’t know how to find your business out of thousands of e-commerce organization, how would make even a sale in the first place? This is where an E-commerce SEO comes into play. An SEO services company in Delhi can place strategically plans which will help to generate more organic traffic through search engine results.

Google Search Results

Why Google is the best search engine? Well, because its developers are constantly changing the algorithm so users can search for things more effortlessly and efficiently. It is worth mentioning that everything Google displays aren’t organic though. The first couple of results pays to list. Definitely, people prefer the first few results, but there’s a catch though. It has been observed that users generally consider ads and they go for organic results only. So if you can able to rank on the top list, you will be able to draw a lot more sales. However, getting the top spot isn’t an easy job. Before introducing SEO, you have to take help from a professional eCommerce website development company so your eCommerce site can be built in accordance with Google’s SEO algorithm.

High-Converting Traffic

Having the ability to sell online is essential for today’s market. Your competitors are already using SEO practices to strengthen their online presence and if you want to get past through them, you must use digital marketing services now. The more you delay, the more your websites get pushed behind.

Optimizing your eCommerce portal doesn’t necessarily mean only driving online traffic. However, it will build more robust business opportunities for you. It has been observed that 43 % of organic traffic who is searching for something online tends to pass through the sales funnel. Isn’t that massive?

E-Commerce SEO vs Social Media Paid Ads

Organic traffic is free, yes you are paying to eCommerce website development company or SEO service provider, but it offers the highest return as well. However, today, many people rely on social media, while it’s a good idea to promote through popular social media marketing services, but in order to generate valuable traffic, you have to pay a lot and every single day.


To secure the top rank in Google, you are paying however, once you reach that top point, you will drive a tremendous amount of customers very fast. With perfectly placed SEO strategy by professional  SEO service provider like us, you will get thousands, even hundreds of thousands of interested clients every single month without paying a single penny for the click.


Those points are great and promising, aren’t they? But to get there you need to know some strategic tips that will guarantee your eCommerce business success. Want to know what are those strategies? Well, we have talked about it earlier in our post and you can find that here.


In the end, taking the lead in Google’s search result isn’t children’s play, but with a strategic partnership with an SEO service provider, you can reach that goal swiftly. Yes, it will take some time. The ranking solely depends on the website, your strategies, product, location and many more. We, as one of the best website designing and  SEO services companies in Delhi, want to say that, don’t be in a hurry, make use of only Google’s approved SEO method and while you are in the hunt for an SEO company, make sure to recruit the best one. You will get there.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
