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Uses of A.I and Machine Learning in Email Marketing
Email marketing company in Delhi

Despite all the negative buzz, the infusion of AI with email marketing has shaken the belief of most gruesome skeptics. The reason is obvious; Email generates $38 for every $1 spent, which is a shocking 3,800% ROI, making it one of the most powerful and efficient options available out there. According to Statista in Global email users in 2019 has amounted to 3.7 billion. This figure is set to grow to 4.3 billion in 2022 and you can attract each one of them!

AI and Machine Learning has the potential to optimize five key areas of any email marketing campaign they are as follows:

The Right Content: Content is the most important part of a successful marketing strategy that could benefit from AI. What kind of content is most impactful? This is a question that marketers used to struggle to get an answer while making content. However, things have changed with the help of AI. Today AI can analyze the vast amount of customer and marketing data to set several ESP like subject lines, Phrase, body text and CTA’s which will increase the effectiveness of marketing. 

Run smarter campaign: Based on the data and machine learning, the AI-powered email platform can use personalized natural language to make marketing lines from scratch which will look and sound like they were written by professionals. Imagine how much time and cost AI can save in addition to increasing the effectiveness of overall email marketing, needless to mention that all the data collected on what worked and what didn’t can be used later on boosting your next email campaign as well.

Data segmentation: By looking at customer interaction, marketing trend and purchasing patterns, AI and machine learning can segment your customer list according to their interest in particular groups. With segmentation and a better understanding of the prospect’s interest, demography, and behaviour, AI can reduce stress significantly to build tailor-made content and email campaign.

Automate email frequency: With AI automation, marketers have the capacity to email specific clients at specific times that they are most likely to open it. The frequency at which emails are sent can additionally be configured, with the goal of optimization.

Efficient testing: Tests performed by AI is more robust that the general A/B testing. AI can promptly distinguish recent trends, can make accurate predictions and even recognize the distinction between tests that used to go unnoticed earlier. Some powerful AI used by professional Email marketing companies can make significant and crucial changes on the fly, dodging revenue loss.

Are you interested in AI-powered email marketing? If you think your customer base is not huge and you don’t need it the right way, well, you are making your competitor’s life easy. Many bulk email service providers offer they’re curated AI-powered email service for small businesses at a reasonable cost. If you really want to boost your business with AI-powered email marketing, give us a shout out at Unicode Solutions. Our service is designed to fulfill every business, irrespective of shape and size. AI-powered email marketing from a professional Email marketing company can guarantee a significant boost in ROI which means your investment will be worthwhile for many years to come.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
How much does it cost to build a mobile app?

According to ComScore, smartphone users generally spend more than 85 percent of their time on mobile apps rather than spending time on the website. In 2017, there were 178 billion app downloads, That number has grown and is growing at a rapid speed and it is estimated that in 2022 the number will grow to 258 billion- an astounding 45% overall increase! Obviously, these are attractive numbers and no matter what your business domain is, you can take a bite out of the biggest pie in the market by having a mobile app. However, the main concern here is, how much it costs, right?

Well, to be honest, there’s no single answer that is idle to this question, when it comes to developing a mobile application, the cost varies depending on many things. A lot of factors like the platform, features, 3rd party API, add-ons, and its complexity must be taken into account while estimating a price. Confused? Well, let’s know the top 4 variables first that affect mobile application development most.

Business Model: Before getting or estimating an app price, you must be clear about the purpose of your mobile application. You must be clear about how the application will bring value to your business model. Will your application directly help to generate revenue? Or you want the mobile application as a tool for your customers to help you distinguish your business from your competitors? Is your app itself is the product, and selling it as your primary business model? The unique model of your business will categorize your mobile application, the goal of your mobile app development project, and the technologies you will need to bring your project to life- these are essential factors and will definitely affect your price.

Platform: There used to be 3 major platforms in the world of the mobile app. However, in today’s market, you have to only concentrate about two. One is Apple’s iOS and another one having the biggest market share is Google’s Android. Both platforms have good numbers of users and if you want maximum reachability, considering you have a bigger budget, you can get in touch with a mobile application development company, who can build an application for both of the platforms.

Functionality: Estimating overall mobile application cost is similar to buying a car. There’s a base price for an app and the more feature you want the application development will grow. When you are considering to develop a mobile application recognize what are the feature can be implemented in the basic app and make sure you leave space to add more features and above these, you must be clear about the underlying technologies to estimate your app development budget.

Design & Development: If you have figured out all the above points, let’s consider the main aspect which is app design and development itself. The cost will depend majorly on the development of your selected mobile application development company’s hourly rate and how fast you need the app. Depending on how your organization is structured, there will be additional costs associated with expenses like on planning, administration, marketing, infrastructure, and deployment. Talk to your preferred mobile application development company and let them know you need total transparency about the working hours and working rates and tax applications.

So what do you think? Do you clearly understand your Business Model, Platform, and Functionality? Have you selected a mobile app development company to fulfil your needs? If not, then you can get in touch with Unicode Solutions, one of the best mobile application development company in Delhi. Our service is not stuck with app development. We also offer affordable website design, SEO, web app development for business and individual needs. Get in touch with us for more information.

You might be interested in our previous mobile app related post. Go ahead, have a look here!

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
Benefits of Email Marketing

When it’s about marketing your business, it is essential to be present where your prospects are. The utilization of email is growing day by day and it is used by more than 90% of online customers. According to market research, more than 65% of customers generally open their email apps twice a day. Digital marketers know this and this is the reason they are continually learning to promote content and your products and services through email marketing to drive more traffic & increase sales.

There are countless advantages that come with email marketing services that businesses could never overlook. Though we couldn’t state them all, below listed are the top 5 benefits that every business should be aware of. Let’s dive straight in!

No Character Limits: Email gives the advantage of unlimited content and space. Unlike many social media platforms, you are not limited to any character limit or media types that you can share with the recipient to grab their attention. According to Diymarketers, the average attention span of a customer is only “8” seconds, yes it is short, but email gives an unlimited possibility to catch your prospect’s attention within this short time, considering your message is to the point and have an eye-catchy design. To make email marketing effective, make sure your contents are easy to scan at a glance and get the focused message, but also offers readers the alternatives for more information if they want.

Campaign Matrics: A proper data analysis is the heart of any successful marketing campaign. Many platforms offer unbelievable market estimation. Email marketing services, on the other hand, offer precise and reliable metrics, including open rates, clicks, delivery rates, and subscriber retention rates. An email marketing company knows how crucial theses information is and so should you. These numbers are the insight of your clients’ interests and behaviours and you can personalize your campaign in order to make the conversion rate even higher than the market average.

Low Cost & Good ROI: Email marketing costs very little. The return on email marketing has been shown to grow each year. A study conducted by Campaign Monitor found that every $1 invested in email marketing services equalled a $44 ROI. And that’s an increase of almost $10 from the year prior!

Build strong customer relations: Email benefits your business is by building strong customer relationships. Delivering regular, engaging information that adds value to your customers will assist you to earn their respect and trust over time. It will further guarantee that they look forward to and pay attention to your businesses’ emails. Think about the future benefit of the clients on your email list, not just what they can buy from you today.

Easy to Use: Setting-up an email campaign is easy. If you have no idea about it, you can ask for help from an email marketing company like Unicode Solutions at a very low cost. If you are going to run solo anyway, we can suggest some great free software that can upload subscriber’s data, filter your prospects, use free templates and send your emails to your subscribers on a regular basis. Two of our favourite email clients are Mail Chimp and Constant Contact. However, to really stand out, instead of using a free template, create a personalized mailer that matches your business and can be even more effective.

Email marketing is an extremely effective digital marketing tool that should be an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy. If you don’t have it, you are losing your customers and you are risking your business’s future. To start effective engagement with customers, contact the best email marketing company Unicode Solutions today. Let us help you to migrate into the digital age!

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Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
