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Top Backend Frameworks to Build Your Web Application
web app development company in Delhi

Backend frameworks are developed to support the developers for developing interactive software/ applications by using programming languages. There are various frameworks available in the market with different architectures, ready to be picked up by web developers. Sometimes picking this framework means going through a lot of confusing processes and questions. In this blog, we have listed down top back-end frameworks with their main features that will assist you to choose which is the perfect framework for your applications.

Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails is the choice of many website application development services company. This is because the programming language is extremely productive and efficient. A developer who is good in this framework can build an entire application ten times faster than a normal Java framework. Besides the speedy development, RR comes with everything you might need to build a data-driven application.

Django: Another framework that helps in developing great web applications. It was developed to meet fast-moving newsroom deadlines while meeting the needs of professional developers. Django web developers always say that this framework is extremely fast, scalable, secure and versatile.

Angular: Developed by search giant Google, Angular help to build powerful web applications and it is preferred by many website application development services company for its feature reach and sophistication. If you require to build a high-performance app, Angular is the most preferred application. AngularJs- A Perfect Framework for Responsive Web App Development and Google is still adding more features to it.

Laravel: Laravel is a framework that came into existence in 2011 and like all other modern frameworks, it also follows the MVC architectural pattern. Laravel values Elegance, Simplicity, and Readability. One can easily begin learning and building with Laravel with Laracasts which has hundreds of tutorials on it.

ASP.NET: Developed by Microsoft, a framework that is meant to help in building build robust web applications for PC, as well as mobile devices. It is a lightweight and high-performance framework for developing Web Applications using .NET. All in all, this framework is quite powerful, Productive and fast.

Apart from these 5 frameworks, others like CodeIgniter, PLAY, Express, React.js are also worth mentioning. The choice solely depends on the scope of the project and developers. Don’t know which one is best for your app? Get in touch with Unicode Solutions, we are one of the best website application development services companies in Delhi and have exceptional expertise in working various backend frameworks that will definitely help you in choosing the best backend framework for your web application.


Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
The Benefits of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation, when used in the right way, is an exceptional tool. According to SalesForce, more than 60% of marketing leaders are currently using various marketing platform to drive more sales.   91% of the most successful users agree that marketing automation is crucial for their business growth and they can’t grow without it. It has been proven that Marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead.


If you are still in doubt, we have collected the top 5 benefits of marketing automation that will help you decide why marketing automation is the need of the hour for your business.


Customer satisfaction: Ask any marketing research agency about the benefits of marketing automation and most of them will say that it’s all about the customer experience. Marketing automation makes use of customer data to offer personalized service which increases sales opportunities as well as customer satisfaction. According to studies, 93 % of companies see an uplift in conversion rates from campaign personalization.


Productive team: The scale of campaign and employee productivity gets elevated boosts with marketing automation. What it means that you don’t have to send emails and other messages to customers manually, everything can be done automatically. Your employees are now more focused on what they do the entire process is more efficient and scalable beyond the limit of your team strength.


Customer insight: Your customer doesn’t just spend time on a single platform. Their presence scattered across different channels and best marketing automation companies can go through all of these channels to present a 360-degree view of your customers and their behaviour.


Clear abundant cart: How many abandoned carts you have? Do you know most of them can be fixed through marketing automation? Marketing automation can send reminders and emails to customers to encourage sales. 64% of e-commerce marketers say marketing automation contributes to more sales.


Boost business revenue: Several industries’ leading independent research bodies have found that marketing automation service providers do help to boost business revenue. According to Forresters, B2B marketers have increased their sales by 10% after integrating marketing automation.


The way people shop is changing and to match their needs, you have to change your marketing strategy as well. Services like digital marketing services, SEO and, of course, marketing automation are crucial to staying ahead. Want to know more? Get in touch with the best website designing and marketing automation company in Delhi for more clarification.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
How to increase organic traffic through SEO Services

93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine and more than 70k searches are performed on Google every second. Many numbers like these can prove the necessity of SEO services for business. Today’s customer spends their time mostly browsing through the internet and to boost ROI a business must go where their customers spend most of their valuable time. Whether you are a newcomer in the market or have a great and strong presence, regular and frequent updates are essential to increase customer’s curiosity so you can stay ahead of your competitors.


It has been proven that more than 70% of users only visit the top 3 Googles’ SERP and to get this position the competition is enormous. It is quite a complicated process to figure out how to get there and hold the position so you can drive a huge number of the audience. However, employing a well-optimized SEO campaign can surely help. Every business needs a great website and there are few things you can do to maximize the effectiveness of your website and gain more search engine traffic.


The article explains the benefits of organic SEO services and the ways to boost your website traffic and more:


What Is Organic SEO?


More than 90% of traffic that redirects to a website comes from search engines. Most of them counted as organic traffic. The organic search result is a process of smartly placing SEO strategy to rank better without paying anything to the search engine company. The organic SEO service provider is the person/firm that optimizes the website through natural rankings. learn how website designing affect SEO in our blogs.


Why Organic SEO?


As far as search engine marketing (SEM) goes, there are few things you can take into consideration to boost your traffic by taking the top positions. However, if you are paying for the position, then you won’t be able to hold that position for a prolonged time. On the other hand, organic SEO can help you be listed naturally high in the search engine result pages which will hold the position for a long time and the techniques are more affordable too.


Best practices to follow to boost organic traffic


Keyword Research & Analysis: To draw prospects to your website, you must understand what types of particular phrases they are typing in the search engine. Optimize your website’s metadata, description, and content based on the keyword research and also keep a sharp eye on your competitors’ keywords as well. If you are able to rank well in the search engine, you will see tremendous organic traffic growth for sure. If you do not have knowledge about SEO, SEO optimized contents or maybe you don’t have time, it is better to contact a renowned digital marketing and  SEO services company.


Link Building: To drive more unique users and to rank great on search engines, link building is one essential part that you can’t neglect. A website which has balance numbers of quality links tends to rank well simply because the search engine prefers these types of websites. You may want to outsource your website optimization process in order to build a quality link. Outsourcing your link building job or overall SEO work can be the best decision you can make for your business. Because you will get quality work at a very low cost. Hiring a professional SEO services company to do the SEO tasks is a huge time saver and can really pay off in the long run.


Social Bookmarking & Social Networking Sites: Another website promotion method to increase your online visibility is submitting your website to do follow social networking and social bookmarking websites. The following search engine optimization techniques along with others can improve your website a long way; further, it will lead to your website and present you with precious traffic.


Article and Press Release submission: Among various SEO services, the article and press release submission is the most beneficial promotional technique, method to boost your online dominance by submitting curated content to obtain quality backlinks. This method is great for drawing more interest customers but your content must be engaging. its better you hire a professional content writing services company for the best results.



SEO services, if done with specialist guidance and consulting can show the greatest benefit to your business! If you do not know about local SEO Strategies or How Much It Costs.


Organic SEO service providers plan appropriate quality niche-related content syndication policies for each web site so that they can boost organic traffic with the higher search engine ranking resulted accordingly. Remember that, SEO is a long term solution and therefore it requires patience and commitment until such a time when it becomes efficient for the improvement of site visibility.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
