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How to use Search Engine Marketing to build your Brand
ppc agency in Delhi

Google hosts more than 60,000 searches/ second on any given day. 82% report the efficiency of SEO is on the rise & more than 40% agree that the effectiveness is growing significantly. 61% of marketers or PPC services company says enhancing SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. Yes, SEO services matter. SEO help in bringing your brand closer to the targeted prospects and convert them into your loyal customers. 

Below find the top 3 branding benefits that accompany an effective search marketing strategy.

Offer relevant search result:
Businesses who can answer users’ search queries with tailor-made ads can establish themselves as a reliable and trustworthy brand. The benefits of relevant ads can include enhancing their brand awareness and earning high-quality site traffic.

By being present in the top SERP, you are delivering a clear signal that your brand is relevant to the user’s query. This is really essential if you are targeting mobile users since mobile users generally click on the top 3 top search results. Since most of the time the searches are being done from mobile devices, the value of building initial impression will grow.

Create a long-lasting brand impression:
Consistent appearance in the search engine of similar topics proves that your business has expertise in the field. For instance, if you are a PPC agency, the best way to build a strong brand impression is to appear in the SERP in terms like “Social media marketing services company in Delhi“. To achieve this, your business must conduct thorough research about the search term, specific to your industry. If users are searching for a pay per click service provider, they might use an alternate phrase to find exactly what they need. However, if your business appearing in each search term, then you are making the impression that you have the resource to fulfil their needs.

Curated user experience:
PPC ads, enable your business to personalize users’ experience with a brand by redirecting them to more curated applications. This is particularly true when you are using PPC for a dedicated landing page. These pages offer more transparency about the message you convey through the ads and offer more broad information regarding your brand, and explain your business value.

People who are conducting searches about specific services or products are more prone to go through the sales funnel. Your business can capture and expand that intent through ads pushed by the PPC services company targeted to engage search audience & corresponding web pages created to elaborate on your businesses’ offerings and value.

Without any doubt, search engine marketing has grown to be an efficient tool to boost brand awareness and elevate your business revenue. Keep this checklist handy with you, it will serve you best. Make use of best practices of pay per click services while promoting your website and employ professional digital marketing agency in Delhi like Unicode Solutions to run your campaign to maximize effectiveness. 

Want to learn more about SEO? We have covered that
here! If you want to talk to a digital marketing expert contact us to boost your business revenue.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
How To successfully redesign a website

After going through immense research, you have come to the conclusion that your existing website requires a complete overhaul to stay ahead of your competitors. Maybe you want to rebrand your business’ image. Or maybe your company has grown and it requires fresh content to attract more new prospects. Yes, the entire website redesign process depends on several reasons, however, the end game must be working on an aesthetically pleasing, functioning and simple but eye candy brief for your business. It is the efficiency of this brief will drive user and determine the success of your website design.

This blog post of ours will walk you through the website-redesign-guideline and its top 4 main phases:

Audit Your Website & Set Goal: The first step you have to consider is what you want out of your website. You must know what you want to achieve before calling a website development company to overhaul your design. This not only helps you to centralize your efforts, but it furthers lets you know if you really need a design replacement or not. Logic like ” I have the same design for prolong time”, or ” My competitors are doing it”, just aren’t acceptable reasons. Before awarding your project, set an achievable timeline and goals. The goal could include enhancing usability, boosting traffic organic traffic count, reducing bounce rates, etc. Now, design alone won’t help you to boost organic traffic, for that you need SEO services. If you want to know how SEO can boost your website traffic/ business, visit this link here.

Mobile-friendly design: The site redesign is a great opportunity for you to optimize your website for mobile devices. Smartphone searches are bigger than desktop searches. So you must take the necessary steps to present your website in small devices, or you will be missing out on a lot of traffic/ potential clients. The best approach is to go with a responsive website. Neglecting a mobile-friendly website is not an option in today’s wireless world.

Tell a convincing story: Yes, you are redesigning your website for the 21st century, however, the first and oldest rules still apply here. Tell a compelling story about your business, product or services through video, content or images that will engage your users and motivate them to take measurable action. Remember, content is the king and it will help to offer a great SERP. When you have good SERP, you will see a boost in traffic and revenue. Why? Because more than 70% of users only visit top results on the search engine result.

Focus on the latest design trend: Your design aspect is crucial for a successful website. If you selected design elements that prehistoric, then failure is inhabitable. A successful website with a clear and scalable layout has a 47% usability improvement. Ask your web design service provider if they are well aware of the current design trend or not. Websites with multiple pages, gradients, background wallpaper that went out of style many years ago may not feel unique and contemporary and may keep visitors from engaging fully with your website.

If your current website is more than three years old, or you think your website needs some overhaul, contact Unicode Solutions, one of the best web designing company in Delhi. Our experience will assist you to build a website that reaches and engages your targeted prospects and gets them to act.

Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
5 Reasons to Include Video Marketing in 2020

Even though you may not involved with digital marketing services, you can’t be unaware of the fact that videos have taken content marketing by storm and there’s no secret that it’s getting popular.

A study conducted by Wyzowl shows that business more than 62% have begun using video content marketing services. Out of that, more than 80% of business owners think that video is one of the most crucial parts of their digital marketing strategies. Video marketing is growing at an extreme speed and market research proves that it will reach great heights in the future. We have studied & brought the top 5 reasons for you to add video in your digital marketing strategy:

The video brings Great ROI: Let’s bring some more exciting figures here! Do you know more than 80% of business owners say that video offers great returns. Even though the production of video and cost involved with the development of the video is not cheap, it is effective and pays off big time. Besides, video editing tools are becoming more convenient to use and becoming more affordable to own. And even you don’t need a high-end camera to capture the video, your smartphone can do decent video recording as well.

We’re living in a very congested and noisy online world. Finding ways to stand out and showcase your creativity can appear like a daunting task. However, numbers like this show us that there’s still a method to make a difference.

Easy Engagement: Let’s be realistic, what would you preferably do? Browse through an extensive article or see a video for the information you need. Most possibly, you also will pick the second option and the ease that video provides while presenting the essential information has given it a number one choice amongst the customers. The most enjoyable part regarding this is your customers can engage with your business, they can share and comment on the video. Video helps in engaging with your prospects with any reading done on their part. When making a video, it is recommended to include a call to action to engage your customers.

Make your customer’s life easier: Going to launch a new service or product? Create a video to explain how it works. 98% of users say they’ve seen an explainer video to find more about a product or service. That is why more than 40% of businesses who use video marketing said that they have an explainer video on their website. Of those businesses, more than 80% said that their homepage explainer video was effective.

Improve SEO ranking: Google has long known that users like to watch videos. As a result, Google heavily rewards websites that have videos. Websites that have quality videos can usually outrank Web sites.

Behind the direct benefit that Google offers upon web pages with videos, there are other advantages as well. Google keeps track of how long visitors stay on your website. If visitors are watching a video for several minutes, this indicates a longer average time on site, which Google tends to compensate with increased page rankings.

Video Build Trust: Trust is the building block of successful sales and lead conversion. However, in today’s world, building trust is somewhat daunting task. Building trust and a long-lasting relationship are the two biggest reasons for having digital marketing in the first place. So it is crucial to showcase essential and relevant information to customers.

Give Video a Chance
If you ask any digital marketing company to help with acquiring new leads with the help of digital marketing, we can guarantee they will add videos as an imperative part of the marketing approach.


Unicode Solutions drive Digital Transformation and enhance business performance with Process Automation.
